11 Jan The priorities for energy and environment of the Swedish Presidency
On 1st January, Sweden took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union, for the third time in the history of the European Union.
Sweden has unveiled its programme for the coming six months stating that the focus will be on four key priorities: 1) security – unity, 2) competitiveness, 3) green and energy transitions, 4) democratic values and the rule of law.
As green and energy transition are one of the key priorities surely Sweden intends to act on several dossiers that are pertinent to energy and environment and first and foremost to close (or at least advance) the negotiations around the Fit for 55 proposals presented in July 2021.
The following dossiers are concretely mentioned in the Presidency programme:
- Renewable Energy Directive
A revision of the Renewable Energy Directive (RED) is among the proposals of the Fit for 55 package presented on 14 July 2021. The revision, among others, aims at increasing the EU-level target of renewable energy sources in the overall energy mix to at least 40% by 2030.
Both European Parliament and Council of the European Union have adopted their position, thus it is up to the Swedish to find a compromise in trialogues.
- Energy Efficiency Directive
As for the RED, the proposal was tabled on 14 July 2021. The proposal aims among others at introduce a higher target for reducing primary (39%) and final (36%) energy consumption by 2030 now binding at EU level.
Both European Parliament and Council of the European Union have adopted their position, thus it is up to the Swedish to find a compromise in trialogues.
- Waste Shipments Regulation
On 17 November 2021, the Commission unveiled its legislative proposal concerning the revision of the Waste Shipment Regulation. The revision aims to strengthen the enforcement of the current framework, to support circular economy within the EU, and to improve the management of waste that the EU exports to countries outside the EU.
In the European Parliament the ENVI Committee already vote on its report and the vote in plenary is schedule for 16 January 2023. Both French and Czech presidency worked on the file presenting compromise proposals.
- Industrial Emissions Directive
The European Commission published its proposal for a revision of the Industrial Emission Directive on 5 April 2022. The proposal would extend the IED to mining, large-scale battery production, and cattle farming.
In Parliament, the ENVI Committee, responsible for the file, appointed Radan Kanev (EPP, Bulgaria) as rapporteur who presented on 14 November 2022 its draft report. In the Council the file has been discussed twice at the Environment Council in October and December.
- Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
The proposal presented on 15 December 2021 sets different targets and milestones for the EU to achieve a zero-emission and fully decarbonised building stock by 2050. For instance, as of 2030, all new buildings in the EU must be zero-emission buildings, while all new public buildings must be zero-emission as of 2027.
Discussion are still ongoing in the leading Committee (ENVI) with a discussion in the Plenary provisionally set for February 2023. On the contrary, the Council already agreed on its general approach and therefore Sweden is ready to start the negotiations once the position of the Parliament will be approved.
- Certification scheme for carbon removal
On 30 November 2022, the European Commission has presented a proposal for a first EU-wide voluntary framework to reliably certify high-quality carbon removals.
The negotiations on the proposal are at the very early stages, with the European Parliament still without a rapporteur on the dossier.
- Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive
On 30 November 2022, the Commission proposed to revise the Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive to ensure that “all packaging on the EU market is reusable or recyclable in an economically viable way by 2030”.
Discussions on the dossier in the Council and in the European Parliament will start during the Swedish Presidency.
In addition, the Swedish Presidency intends to work on CO2 emissions standards for new heavy-duty vehicles and the Electricity Market Reform once the respective proposals will be published.
The Swedish Presidency will last for one semester, ending on 30 June, and it will be followed by the Spanish Presidency. The Spanish Presidency will mark the start of a new Presidency Trio, composed by Spain, Belgium and Hungary thus a new Trio Programme will be approved by the General Affairs Council soon.
Do you want to get more in-depth analysis on what these files mean for your organisation?
CLERENS will keep track of these ongoing files during the Swedish Presidency. Our consultants are happy to help you with their knowledge of these files, their experience and their contacts, so don’t hesitate to get in touch with Wouter IJzermans, our Policy Affairs Director.
Picture Copyright: Axel Öberg/Regeringskansliet