31 Oct Energy Storage Global Conference
In order to increase the usability of energy storage and to increase the revenue of the association, CLERENS proposed that EASE – The European Association for Storage of Energy organise a conference to bring together leading storage companies, researchers, and policymakers to debate technological developments and regulatory framework for energy storage.
EASE aimed at generating recommendations for policymakers and raising awareness on the role of energy storage as an enabler for a cost-effective transition to a resilient, low-carbon, and secure energy system.
CLERENS assessed the strength and weaknesses of existing energy storage conferences and defined an event aimed at filling the gap in the energy storage dialogue.
Working with a team of energy storage experts and EASE representatives, CLERENS defined the agenda for a three-day Conference, identified speakers and relevant stakeholders, and managed logistics and marketing of the event.
To keep momentum, the recommendations issued by the participants were translated into policy messages to be integrated into EASE communications and advocacy strategy.
The “Energy Storage Global Conference” was inaugurated in 2014 and is now a well-known event that attracts more than 400 participants from all over the world for the quality of its speakers, its content, and its relevance. High-representatives of the European Commission and European Parliament regularly contribute to the success of this conference.
CLERENS is the event organiser of the behalf of EASE.
For more information about ESGC, you can click here.