08 Nov Storage4EU
According to EASE – The European Association for Storage of Energy while energy storage is deploying rapidly, EU policies and regulations are not yet up to speed and there is a need for a clear, technology-neutral regulatory framework that recognises the value that storage can bring to the system.
EASE asked CLERENS to develop a communication campaign to promote European energy storage projects and the added value of energy storage for the European energy system.
To show the immense value of energy storage across Europe, CLERENS set to create the Storage4EU communication campaign. Storage4EU is a collection of innovative and inspiring storage projects supporting the energy transition while ensuring a stable, secure, and affordable operation of our electricity grids.
CLERENS, working with energy storage experts, collected the success stories on energy storage, prepared the layout and published the material on EASE website, distributed the Storage4EU brochures at the Energy Storage Global Conference 2018 and ran a social media campaign for 6 weeks.
The Storage4EU campaign featured 41 success stories from 16 companies active in the energy storage sector. During the campaign period, the number of visits on the client’s website doubled, and the acquisitions through social media raised by 4 times. Even after the end of the campaign, the Storage4EU page is one of the most visited web pages on the client´s website.
A total of 500 copies of the Storage4EU brochure were printed and the brochure was distributed to all participants of the Energy Storage Global Conference and officially handed out to Mr Maroš Šefčovič, Vice-President in Charge of Energy Union in the European Commission.
To read the storage success stories and download the brochure click here!