09 Jun StoRIES – Storage Research Infrastructure Eco-Systems
CLERENS was approached by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to lead a funding proposal, StoRIES, by creating and engaging a strong group of partners that would form the future Consortium. The proposal was submitted under a competitive Green Deal call focusing on new energy storage technologies that could supply more flexibility and balance in the grid, able to provide a backup to intermittent renewable energy generation and contribute to seasonal energy storage challenges. The main challenge to be tackled for such energy storage development was economic, as it needed to produce better performing, competitive and cost-effective energy storage devices.
A strong network of partners involved in the development of hybrid energy storage technologies was an essential requirement in the proposal, as it would provide a diverse ecosystem of industry and research organisations to carry the work in the competitive and targeted Green Deal call.
To meet up with the partner’s expectations of providing such an ecosystem, CLERENS created a balanced consortium with complementary expertise, by setting up a triangular relationship composed of universities, private research centres and private sector organisations to collaborate in the preparation of the proposal.
Once the consortium partners chose to apply for the Green Deal call, the clock started for months of intensive preparation in a tight schedule. CLERENS took the lead in the project management and created an extensive and detailed work plan with clear deadlines. The short schedule required numerous administrative tasks to be tackled effectively by CLERENS with intense attention to detail. Tasks included the creation of the Consortium, setting up the main objectives and deciding the work activities, distributing the budget effectively, and finally writing the complete proposal.
StoRIes focuses on improving materials for energy storage devices and optimising hybrid energy systems that will significantly improve the technological basis for energy storage applications by bringing together various high-level partners to utilise their research infrastructures and services. By establishing an ecosystem with international peer partners from both research and industry, StoRIES will foster open science and promote new energy technology standards. In addition, the project proposal focuses on the analysis of socio-technical and environmental aspects of the new developments and systems and accounts for the delivery of training and education on these issues.
CLERENS brought together a consortium of 32 beneficiaries (partners and linked third parties) from 17 different countries and submitted the proposal. Five months after the intensive work of CLERENS consultants, the proposal was selected by the European Commission to receive the grant, with a high score among many proposals under the Green Deal call – whose success rate averaged 8-10%. The unique project – StoRIES, will have a duration of 4 years and has received € 7 million in funding to be distributed among 16 partners. The project is also expected to benefit more than 200 organisations and researchers.
You can learn more about the project here.