12 Dec Study: Upgrade of Hazardous to Non-Hazardous Ashes
CLERENS was requested to carry out a study to better understand risks and opportunities, from an economic and legal perspective, to upgrade hazardous ashes from Waste-to-Energy processes to non-hazardous ashes in order for a private company to understand if the evolving regulatory framework is creating business opportunities.
Solution and Result
CLERENS delivered a study laying down the current EU legislative requirements related to the management of hazardous ashes from Waste-to-Energy plants and identified prospective regulatory changes affecting their future treatment. From a cost perspective, the study looked at existing figures related to average gate fees for the treatment of hazardous and non-hazardous ashes. Finally, the study looked at existing EU-funded projects and companies involved in technologies able to upgrade hazardous ashes to a non-hazardous status.
Thanks to a rigorous implementation schedule and regular updates with the client, the study was well received.