12 Dec The Fact Sheet for Waste to Energy
Waste-to-Energy still suffers from the negative reputation inherited from the past, regardless of the enormous improvements made over the years by EU technologies and regulations. Waste-to-Energy is today a key element of sustainable waste management, and its characteristics deserve to be described in a fair and accurate way.
For this purpose, the European association ESWET – who represents the European Suppliers of Waste-to-Energy Technology – asked CLERENS to create a fact sheet that addresses clearly and neatly a number of facts about Waste-to-Energy.
CLERENS created a fact sheet on Waste-to-Energy that highlights the key benefits of Waste-to-Energy as a circular, low-carbon and very low-polluting waste management option. After an evaluation of the market and of the communications material providing arguments in favour and against the technology, it was decided to focus on the 4 main reasons to support Waste-to-Energy: clean energy, climate change mitigation, low emission and recovery of materials.
The document has been promoted on the different channels of the association: website, newsletters and social media accounts. It has immediately received good feedback from both the members of the association, the policymakers and the general public. It is currently used by the policy officers of the association to present a concise overview of Waste-to-Energy during meetings and public presentations.
To read and download the document, click here!